Eliminate Stubborn Fat
& Build Muscle in

Just 30 Minutes

Body shaping without the workout.

What is
Emsculpt Neo?

The first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure to burn fat with radiofrequency while strengthening and toning muscles with high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) in one 30 minute session.

Exercises that target the abdomen and buttocks like crunches and squats work by repeatedly contracting the muscles to increase their strength and size over time. EMSCULPT uses the same principles to trigger muscle contractions up to 20,000 times in a single session.

No Surgery

No Downtime

less fat

More Muscle


  • Burns Fat
  • Strengthens Your Muscles

Most patients need a series of only four treatments spread out over four weeks to experience optimal results, with absolutely no downtime necessary.

Following an EMSCULPT Neo session, you may feel some soreness in the targeted area, but will not experience any noticeable or uncomfortable side effects.







Treatment Overview

What it Treats

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Buttocks

Session Duration

  • 30 Minutes


  • None

Sessions Needed

  • 4 Sessions

Secure Treatment

Fast improvements

Dr. Samir Nazam

Dr. Samir Nazam is licensed in family medicine and surgery. As a physician, he specializes in weight loss and non-invasive body sculpting treatments. He received his post-graduate training at Washington Hospital Center, Washington D.C. Additionally, he is a member of the American Society of Obesity Medicine and has been practicing weight management for the last 13 years. In 1991, he became the medical director of Chantilly Medical Center, where he has been practicing as a primary care provider for over 30 years.

Dr. Nazam prides himself in treating a myriad of patients while developing long-term and sustainable interpersonal relationships. Fluent in Arabic and English, he is able to communicate with and treat a wide range of patients from varying backgrounds.

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